Specialty lighting is an often overlooked wedding element that can completely transform an event space. If you layer your lighting properly, you can make that beauty-challenged carpet virtually disappear! First, using uplights around the perimeter of the entire room will wash the walls and ceiling with light, bringing the eye upward and away from the carpet. Next draw guests’ eyes toward your beautiful tables by “pin spotting” them. This is the technical term for lights mounted above and pointing directly on each table in your room. Don’t forget to pin spot special tables such as the cake and sweetheart tables. Your final layer of lighting is, of course, candles. Cover your tables with the gorgeous glow of flickering candlelight. Once the perimeter,
pin spot and candle lights are in place, dim or completely turn off the house lights and you’ll be amazed by the effect. Not only will you have eliminated the carpet-factor, you will have also created an amazing and romantic ambiance that your guests will never forget!
Contact a local event lighting, rental or design company for a lighting consultation. They can take a look at your space and create a personalized lighting plan tailored to your specific design needs and budget.
Happy planning everyone!
Happy planning everyone!